The Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as Second Language -TESL)

The Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as Second Language -TESL) programme is designed to give students, the academic and technical skills in broad areas. The programme combines the precise training in methods of teaching English and practice with the analytical tools of education. It teaches students a wide range of skills that are valuable for careers in government schools, private schools, and international educational organizations. The programme is designed as a transformative program, which offers students, the education, training, and first-hand experience which are essential for successful international careers. The programme trains the students for current and future leadership responsibilities with the development of systematic understanding, decision making and communication skills.

Admission Requirements

Modules / Subjects

S.No.MQA Subject CodeSubject NameCredits
01BAE 1253Morphology3
02BAE 1323Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education3
03BAE1333Advanced English3
04BAE 2423Teaching of Grammar3
05BAE 2433Media Resources in Teaching3
06BAE 2513Philosophy of Education3
07BAE 2543Environment Change and Sustainable Development3
08BAE 2613Teaching of Reading3
09BAE 2633Language Testing and Assessment3
10BAE 2643Curriculum and Syllabus Design3
11BAE 3713Technology in Education3
12BAE 3723Theatre and Drama in ESL3
13MGT 1313Research Methodology3
14BAE 3813Discourse Analysis3
15BAE 3836Research Project6

Recognized by the University Grants
Commission (UGC) Sri Lanka

Recognized and listed in International
Association of Universities (IAU)

Recognized and listed in Hand Book of
Common Wealth Universities

Accredited by Lincoln University College

Approved by WES – Canada

Approved by NARIC – UK

The Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as Second Language -TESL)

The Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as Second Language -TESL) programme is designed to give students, the academic and technical skills in broad areas. The programme combines the precise training in methods of teaching English and practice with the analytical tools of education. It teaches students a wide range of skills that are valuable for careers in government schools, private schools, and international educational organizations. The programme is designed as a transformative program, which offers students, the education, training, and first-hand experience which are essential for successful international careers. The programme trains the students for current and future leadership responsibilities with the development of systematic understanding, decision making and communication skills.

Admission Requirements

Modules / Subjects

S.No.MQA Subject CodeSubject NameCredits
01BAE 1253Morphology3
02BAE 1323Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education3
03BAE1333Advanced English3
04BAE 2423Teaching of Grammar3
05BAE 2433Media Resources in Teaching3
06BAE 2513Philosophy of Education3
07BAE 2543Environment Change and Sustainable Development3
08BAE 2613Teaching of Reading3
09BAE 2633Language Testing and Assessment3
10BAE 2643Curriculum and Syllabus Design3
11BAE 3713Technology in Education3
12BAE 3723Theatre and Drama in ESL3
13MGT 1313Research Methodology3
14BAE 3813Discourse Analysis3
15BAE 3836Research Project6
Accredited by Lincoln University College

Recognized by the University Grants
Commission (UGC) Sri Lanka

Recognized and listed in Hand Book of
Common Wealth Universities

Recognized and listed in International
Association of Universities (IAU)

Approved by WES – Canada

Approved by NARIC – UK